welcome to AC site
code of condect
General History of Dereth
TK'S Travel Agency
house purches items
friends of da family
body recoveries
code of condect
TK's boards

msn gaming zone


el tank


Rule 1
Please respect and obey the CoCs and rules of Decal, El Tank, (and any other plugins you use) Proboards (our boards),PHBB (Graelyn's boards) Microsoft, Zone, Turbine and Asheron's Call. If you are not familiar with them they can be found at the following links and are available at the websites for your third party applications and plugins.
Rule 2
Please respect the bots. We work hard to make sure they are here to take care of you and have the means to do so. Please do not run around while you are being buffed and do not shoot at them. Donate Platinum Scarabs when you can or cash and tapers when they need them. Remember, bots have feelings too!


Rule 3
Please respect your officers. They are are here to help you solve your problems and can only do that if they are treated properly. Although they are not "better" than anyone else in the family, and are required to follow the rules just like everyone else in the family, they have earned their titles and deserve respect. They will respect you, so you respect them!

Rule 4
Please be kind and helpful at all times and treat others as you would like to be treated and expect to BE treated the same way you treat others. Be nice when it seems impossible, when you really dont want too, and you will be a better person for it.

Rule 5
Please uphold the honor of the Allegiance. This allegiance is considered to be one of the best in Morningthaw,and we intend to stay that way. Don't swear in open chat, or verbally attack others in open chat, steal, spam, flame, greif, or otherwise cause discord or problems. Remember, each one of us is an Ambassador to the allegiance and everything we do reflects on the rest of us. The name Merryjuana on your ID is ALL of ours.


If you break the CoC this is what will happen!

Stealing: All allegations of stealing need to be presented to at least 2 officers WITH PROOF. You should take screenies of any conversations with the thief especially if he admits doing it. You can copy the conversation and save to notepad but this can be edited so may be questioned. Witnesses are also acceptable. Thiefs will be IMMEDIATELY booted once proof is verified. Other than stealing:

1) The first time you will be warned that you have conducted yourself in a manner that is against our CoC and directed to the website to read the CoC again.

2) The second violation will result in a face to face meeting with at least 2 officers. The 2 officer requirement is to ensure that you are treated fairly. At this meeting we will decide the best course of action depending on the violation. You will also be notified at this time of the actions that will be taken in case of a third offence ie: if we will be warning other allegs of the problem, whether we will be submitting your name for blacklisting etc.

3) The third violation will result in release or booting from the allegiance. We will inform you at this time what course of action is needed to be allowed back in to the allegiance if we decide that readmission is acceptable.

Remember, you are running around Dereth with OUR name on your ID. If you act in a dishonorable manner we have to get our name OFF your ID. Sometimes we may be forced to release for that reason alone. It does NOT mean that you are permanently banned from the allegiance. Please dont hesitate to talk to us about any problems or concerns having to do with the CoC or the consequences to breaking it!

Allegiance Chat Guidelines
(Please keep in mind that although the rules are as follows, people are allowed to be human. /a violations are NOT bootable offences but may be taken into consideration when considering someone's overall family compatibility. Lets have fun with the /a, keep it clean, or as clean as adults can and respect others.

1) No swearing of anykind. ALL swear words, no matter how mild, count as swear words.

2) No spamming. If you want something ask for it once. If you dont get an answer either noone can help or noone is on to help.

3) No arguing, name calling, meanness or general bad mouthing of any other player will be tolerated.

4) ALL CoC rules apply in /a, ours, turbines, AC etc.

If you fail to adhere to these simple rules you will be given an official warning and the warning process will begin.

Im sorry I have to do this but there has been some problems on /a especially with spamming. Let have fun with it, thats what its meant for. Thanks,